7 Rs of Weekend Retreats

"The Lord satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's."   
Psalm 103:5

The 7 Rs of a

MOSAIC of Faith

Weekend Retreat

1. Retreat - Give yourself a “time-out” from your life as a mother.

2. Relax - Get some much needed rest, relaxation, and pampering.

3. Rejuvenate - Refresh your body, mind, heart and soul. 

4. Reflect - Discover/be reminded how God is at work within you, and in your day-in and day-out parenting.

5. Reveal - Learn from each other as you share where you are, with your kids and your faith, and where you would like to be.

6. Redirect - Define/refine what kind of mother you would like to be from a place of encouragement, empowerment, and faith.

7. Return - Return to your family a more centered, rested and spiritually inspired mother.